The Year in NSU

The Year in NSU

The Year in NSU


Updated August 2019

At the latest by mid August:

  • Start the planning of the Winter Session, contact collaborating partners, decide upon time and content of the Call for proposals (Cfp). (Recommended time: between January and mid March because of the Cfp for the Summer Session is published latest by March 15).
  • Proposals for Keynotes for the Summer Session (SS), nearly two years ahead, has to be asked if interested before the third Coordinator Meeting (FELLESMØTE) (FM3) in September.

September 1:

  • Latest date for informing the Board (NSU Economy and Logistics) about arrival/departure times for the third Coordinator Meeting (FELLESMØTE) (FM3).
  • Deadline for applications to NSU Press

Mid September:

  • Coordinator meeting (FM3) with coordinators, deputies and NSU board, includes: updates on eventual changes in procedures; electing keynotes.

October 15:

  • Uploading Cfp to the Winter Session (WS) on NSU webpage. It will be announced in the Newsletter.
  • Application period for proposing New Study Circles for the next study program opens.
  • After uploading the Cfp, coordinators should distribute it to all relevant institutions and networks and potential participants during September.
  • Send eventual suggestions for new Summer Session keynotes to the NSU Study Program responsible.

November 15:

  • Final deadline for travel reimbursement requests for the Summer Session and the Coordinators meeting FM3.

December 1:

  • Deadline for sending in proposals for New Study Circles for the next study program.
  • Recommended closing date for receiving abstracts from applicants to the WS.

February 15:

  • Preliminary program has to be uploaded on NSU’s homepage at the very latest by February 15th. (It will be announced in the Newsletter.)

End of year and start of new

  • At the latest 1 month before the WS:
      • The budget has to be sent to NSU’s accountant together with the list of participants.
    • Note: If the budget has not been sent to NSU´s accountant 1 month prior to the WS, you will NOT receive money to arrange the WS.
  • At the latest 1 month after the WS:
      • The final accounting of expenditures and confirmations of travel support granted should have been sent to NSU’s accountant.
    • NSU’s accounting for the WS closes May 15th. No transactions related to the WS will take place after that date.
    • February 1:
  • Deadline for applications to NSU Press.
  • March 1:
    • Newsletter #1 from NSU. Information about the Summer Session (SS), including participation fees, keynotes, details about time and space. Announced by Arrangement Committee (ARRKOM).
  • March 15:
    • Uploading Cfp to the Summer Session (SS) on NSU webpage. It will be announced in NSU’s Newsletter #2 (April 1st).
    • Scholarship and grant application for the SS opens.
  • April 1:
    • Online registration opens.
    • Coordinators and other functionaries can now register for SS until May 1st. Please do so.
  • May 1:
    • Application window for scholarships and grants closes.
    • Deadline for coordinators to register for the SS.
  • May 10:
    • Scholarship & Grant Program: Coordinators must send a list of prioritised scholarship and grant applicants, in a numbered order, to ARRKOM who decides and have the final say and will notify both Coordinators and all applicants sequentially, and latest by May 15th. (See Scholarship & Grant Procedure).
  • May 15:
    • NSU’s accounting for the WS closes.
    • Preliminary program has to be uploaded on NSU’s homepage at the very latest by May 15th.
    • Newsletter #3 will be published: announcing opening of registration, and the preliminary program of SS.
    • Scholarship & Grant receivers are emailed by ARRKOM (CC to coordinators) to get offer.
    • Any unclaimed S/G are offered to applicants on the waiting list.
  • May 25:
    • Final deadline for the Scholarship & Grant receivers to confirm.
  • May 31
    • Deadline for the waiting list S/G recipients to confirm and register for SS.
  • June 1:
    • Registration for participating in the SS closes (deadline for participants to make their payments).
    • Deadline for sending in Self Evaluations for the WS

Last week of July: SS in NSU (Approximately around week 30):

    • FM1 – Coordinator Meeting for Coordinators and Board: Coordinators meet one day earlier to prepare for the SS and to take part in the first Coordinator meeting (FM1).
    • During the SS: the coordinators ensure that the circle elects their 3 representatives for the general assembly, discuss future plans together, including plans for publishing, and ideas for future WS and keynotes.
    • FM2 – Coordinator Meeting for Coordinators and Board: Coordinators meet with Board towards the end of the SS to give feedback on the SS, discuss plans for the next year and the FM3 in the autumn.
    • Feedback on the SS
    • Finalise the SS evaluation.
  • August 15
    • Latest date for sending in your travel form for reimbursement to the NSU accountant after the Summer Session.

Plan approved on ‘fællesmøde’ in Copenhagen October / November 2005. Revised on the summer session of 2007. Revised by the Board SM1 i 2009. Revised by the Board SM1 i Raasepori, 2010. Revised by ‘fællesmøde’ i Ulsteinvik, Sunnmøre, Norway 2013, ‘fællesmøde’ i Riga, Latvia, september 2014, and revised at the FM3 in Gdansk, Poland, september 2016. Revised in August 2019.

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