Crisis and Crisis Scenarios: Normativity, Possibilities and Dilemma – Study Circle 2014-2016
The current situation is considered by many intellectuals, politicians and citizens as a simultaneous aggravation of the financial, political, cultural and environmental elements of the ongoing crisis in the regional and international community. On the other hand, hope has also been expressed by the emergence of a new social, cultural and political order based on a genuine possibility of emancipation and dialogue about world problems in the international community. This study circle will examine the paradoxes of the global crisis situation in the tensions between crisis aggravation leading to increased problems of economic, social and environmental world justice on the one hand, and the presences of voices and signs of a paradigm shift towards sound politics and good governance on the other hand. On the basis of some possible explanations of the causes of the crisis, the study group will discuss some of its most urgent dilemmas.
This study group discusses these problems of the current crisis from different perspectives in meetings from 2014-2016.
Summer Session 2016: Call for Papers: Study Circle 3: The concept of crisis – latest research development!
Please send your paper proposals to Jacob Dahl Rendtorff jacrendt[at] or Øjvind Larsen, larsen[at] as soon as possible
Crisis and Crisis Scenarios: Normativity, Possibilities and Dilemma
The current situation is considered by many intellectuals, politicians and citizens as a simultaneous aggravation of the financial, political, cultural and environmental elements of the ongoing crisis in the regional and international community. On the other hand, hope has also been expressed by the emergence of a new social, cultural and political order based on a genuine possibility of emancipation and dialogue about world problems in the international community. At the summer session the study circle examine the paradoxes of the global crisis situation in the tensions between crisis aggravation leading to increased problems of economic, social and environmental world justice on the one hand, and the presences of voices and signs of a paradigm shift towards sound politics and good governance on the other hand. On the basis of some possible explanations of the causes of the crisis, the study group will discuss some of its most urgent dilemmas in relation to the crisis. Since we will sum up current research in the area we invite papers that may relate to some of the dimensions of different dimensions of the crisis. This includes:
- The Concept of Crisis. Here papers can examine the concept of crisis as it is used in many different ways in the present situation. ‘Crisis’ means a confrontation between old and new. ‘Crisis’ can mean a rupture with the old ways of thinking and a chance of dislodging rigid ways of thinking, including those in the academy. There is a crisis of a notion of stable ‘subject hood’ in which new critical theory and philosophical ideas might also have a place. We could propose ways of looking at ‘crisis’ in gender relations, the arts and humanities and the continuing debates of the crisis of the current capitalist practices. Why is it that the latter has so far not produced any real change? A discussion of ‘crisis’ and the ways in which the notion is impacting culture and society might be of interest.
- Neoliberalism and a New Economy. What are the economic problems and opportunities of the global crisis? Here papers can discuss the causes of the crisis and the need for a new economy of responsibility. These approaches will deal with the different aspects of the causes of the crisis. It will look at financial reasons in the Nordic countries and internationally, but it will also discuss the broader political and cultural aspects of the emergence of the crisis.
- Crisis, Existence and Culture. This workshop will examine the crisis from an existential perspective: life and death, culture and society, for example with regard to gender relations and conceptions of the masculine and the feminine. We will look at the cultural and social consequences of the crisis and it will deal with cultural and social expressions of forms of living in times of crisis, for example from the point of view of existentialism and psychoanalysis.
- Arctic Crisis: Climate Change, Justice and Environmental Issues. Here papers can deal with environmental dilemmas of the global crisis with special regard to the Nordic and the Arctic region. We will discuss the climate change issue in the perspective of proposals for a new economy and it will assert how we should consider the climate change issue in relation to topics of identity struggles and poverty in developing countries.
- Crisis, Paradoxes and New Technology. Here papers can consider the ethical dimensions of late capitalism following the global crisis. We will look at ethical issues within technology, but also in business and government in order to discuss what kind of ethics would be appropriate for a possible post-crisis situation. This could include discussions of limits and possibilities of human rights in the international community as well.
- Globalization and Crisis. Papers can deal with the relation of government and intercultural dialogue with education at the global level of the post-crisis situation and address the philosophy of education with regard to formation, Bildung. Finally, we will pose the question of whether it is possible to have a global foundation for dealing with international problems and it will examine the political, legal and philosophical foundations of such an international movement towards a new cosmopolitanism.
For further information, and for sending paper proposals, please contact the coordinators Øjvind Larsen larsen[at] and Jacob Dahl Rendtorff, jacrendt[at]
We are looking forward to seeing you all at the Summer Session in Finland 2016.
Here you find a word file version of this call for papers:
Call-for-Paper-Crisis NSU summer session 2016
Below you find our proposal for a new study circle following this circle from 2017-2019:
Crisis Critique Normative Orders NSU Study Circle 2017-2019
Here you find the call for papers and the program of our winter symposium in 2015:
Call for Paper Crisis NSU CBS 15-9-2015
Øjvind Larsen (Denmark) ol.mpp [at]