Call for Abstracts for the Winter Symposium 2021
NSU study circle 6: Nordic Environmental Ethics
18-19 March 2021 in Turku, Finland
Is there a need for a new, a Nordic, environmental ethic?
We invite everyone interested in environmental ethics in a Nordic context to submit an abstract (max. 500 words) for a presentation in the first Nordic Environmental Ethics study circle symposium on March 18-19, 2021 in University of Turku, Finland. We welcome presentations on any topic in environmental ethics, but special attention will be given to abstracts with a particularly Nordic perspective, and abstracts that focus on the work and environmental philosophy of Arne Næss.
Nordic Environmental Ethics study circle is a part of Nordic Summer University (NSU) series of study circles, running for three years, twice a year, from 2021 to 2023. The aim of the study circle is to explore environmental ethics in a Nordic context, with Nordic environmental ethicists, or from a Nordic perspective. Additionally, the aim is to establish a more permanent Nordic Environmental Ethics Network, bringing together Nordic people interested in environmental ethics. However, the study circle welcomes anyone interested in Nordic environmental ethics.
The winter symposium 2021 will explore the possibilities for a Nordic environmental ethic. Are there any particularly Nordic environmental values? What are they like? Can we build Nordic environmental ethics on the welfare state tradition, Nordic mythology, or the Arctic experience? Or are there particular theoretical or methodological approaches shared by Nordic environmental ethicists? This first symposium on Nordic Environmental Ethics will also include a special session dedicated to the environmental philosophy of Arne Næss, one of the first, most original, and most popular Nordic environmental philosophers.
Abstracts should be submitted via email to Mikko Puumala, no later than December 1, 2020. Decisions will be announced by December 15. Extended abstracts of 500-1000 words, to be pre-read by study circle participants, will be due February 15, 2021.
Participation fee:
For those funded by an institution: 20€
For students, unemployed, etc.: 10€
In addition, NSU membership fee of 25€/10€.
The Nordic Summer University (NSU) annual membership fee facilitates the existence of NSU, which is a volunteer-based organisation. As a member you can sign up for all events organised by NSU, take part in the democratic decision-making process on which NSU is based, and become part of the extensive network of NSU. There are two rates: a standard fee of 25 euros and a discounted membership of 10 euros for self-financed/freelance/independent students, scholars and artists.
Tervetuloa! Välkommen! Velkommen! Velkominn! Buresboahtin! Pyereest puáttim! Tiõrv pueʹttem! Welcome!

The Nordic Summer University (NSU) is a Nordic network for research and interdisciplinary studies.
NSU is a nomadic, academic institution, which organises workshop-seminars across disciplinary and national borders. Since it was established in 1950, Nordic Summer University has organised forums for cultural and intellectual debate in the Nordic and Baltic region, involving students, academics, politicians, and intellectuals from this region and beyond.
Decisions about the content and the organisational form of the NSU lay with its participants. The backbone of the activities in the NSU consists of its thematic study circles. In the study circles researchers, students and professionals from different backgrounds collaborate in scholarly investigations distributed regularly in summer and winter symposia during a three-year period.
The Nordic Summer University is committed to the principle of sustainability. At our symposia we offer vegetarian/vegan food only and aim towards zero waste. We thus invite members to bring their own reusable coffee cup and water bottle to the symposia and to consider carefully the carbon footprint of their travel choices.
For more information: