Call for Papers: Sustainability, Ethics, and the Environment Winter Symposium 2024
NSU Sustainability, Ethics, and the Environment Winter Symposium 2024
10-12 January 2024 / Umeå, Sweden
The NSU study circle on Sustainability, Ethics, and the Environment will hold its Winter Symposium 2024 on January 10–12 in Umeå, Sweden in collaboration with Umeå University. The Sustainability, Ethics, and the Environment study circle is a Nordic Summer University (NSU) one-year circle. The aim of the present study circle is to continue the work of the NSU 2021–2023 Nordic Environmental Ethics study circle, while inviting scholars from a variety of fields to engage with Nordic and Baltic philosophers working with environmental and sustainability related ethical issues.
We welcome abstract submissions and presentations on any topic related to sustainability, ethics, and the environment. We hope to bring together scholars from a variety of fields such as environmental ethics and philosophy, sustainability sciences, environmental humanities, and environmental social sciences to present their work and discuss sustainability and environmental issues from an ethics perspective. We particularly welcome research pertaining to the Nordic and Baltic environments.
Research presentations comprise the heart of the symposium. The program will also include keynotes, a networking session where participants can pitch their ongoing or planned research or projects, and a pre-symposium evening event on January 10th with a panel discussion. This meeting will also mark the official launch of the Nordic Environmental Ethics Network. It is with great enthusiasm we welcome submissions to participate, celebrate and be part of this unique gathering.
Keynote speakers: Anna Deplazes Zemp (University of Zürich) & Henrik Thorén (Lund University)
Please submit your abstract (300-500 words) via email to Linnea Luuppala linnea.luuppala[at] by 31st October 2023. If you don’t have a paper and would like to participate, please submit a short bio (150 words). Decisions will be announced in the beginning of November 2023.
Also, please indicate if you are interested in presenting your (ongoing or planned) research project in the networking session. For all participants (with or without a paper), this is a good opportunity to meet colleagues and introduce your work and research interests. A certificate for participation in the session can be given for travel allowance eligibility purposes.
The participation fee is 30€ regular and 15€ reduced fee (e.g., for students, unemployed) and it includes the NSU membership fee for 2024.
For a limited number of participants, we can grant some financial support for travel and accommodation costs. This funding is only available to Nordic/Baltic participants with accepted papers who lack external funding / institutional support for travelling. Please indicate your interest in travel support in the submission email. The Winter Symposium 2024 is funded by the NordPlus Programme and UTRI (Umeå Transformation Research Initiative). Sustainable travelling is encouraged.