Newsletter 2025/1

Newsletter 2025/1

Nordic Summer University 
Nordic Networks for Interdisciplinary Study and Research

Summer Session 2025

The Nordic Summer University is ready for the summer session 2025 which will take place between July 21 and July 28 in Korpilahti (near Jyväskylä), Finland. Join us for a fabulous week of explorations, discussions, creative and cultural events and community! The Call for Proposals are below for each study circle:

Circle 1 Storytelling for Sustainable Heritage Practices and Active Citizenship

Circle 2 Creativity under surveillance: art, critique and technology

Circle 3 Reading José de Acostas: Historia Natural y Morales de las Indias

Circle 4 m-Otherhood in Feminist Theory

Circle 5 Webbing, Winging and Weaving Economies for Rewilding Academic and Organisational places

Circle 6 Climate Change

Circle 7 Theorizing Sustainability Transitions and Transformations

Circle 8 Resisting Fascism: Queer and Materialist Approaches

Circle 9 Building community in the midst of collapse: organizing towards degrowth futures

Ad Hoc  Embodied Wisdom and Sensory Knowledge: Decolonizing Through the Body

The deadlines vary slightly but most applications are due on April 1st. We also have grants available for those looking for a reduced price, see individual circle page on how to apply.

The week-long Summer Session is the yearly culmination of NSU’s activities where all study circles of the Nordic Summer University hold their sessions at a shared location. The program comprises presentations, discussions, keynotes, workshops, readings, performances and a general assembly (GA) where every participant can take part in the democratic functioning of the organisation. There is also swimming, walking, and enjoying each other’s company. Participants coming with families are very welcome, there will be a children’s circle with activities for children aged 4-13.

Take a look at what participants of previous years say about the Summer Session!

Participation fee

  • 450 EUR — grant receivers (stay in a bed in a twin room)
  • 850 EUR — single room
  • 700 EUR — bed in a twin room
  • 1250 EUR — institutional price. Institutional price is intended for participants whose attendance is paid for by their institutions, e.g. through research grants or similar dedicated funding
  • 950 EUR — institutional price PhD
  • 440 EUR — shared lodging (indoor camp rooms (shared accommodation))
  • 400 EUR — camping
  • Family rooms  — 1200 to 1800 euros

The price includes NSU membership, so it is not necessary to purchase it separately. Those who have already attended a winter symposium and paid the membership will receive a discount code to deduct the membership fee. No refunds will be given if participants pay membership twice by mistake, so please mention in your application that you already attended an NSU event this year to receive a discount code.

Call for proposals for new study circles

The Nordic Summer University (NSU) calls for project proposals for three-year study circles (2026-2028). We seek proposals for new scholarly networks addressing critical issues in culture, science and society. Please spread the information to your networks and see more details here. The application is in two stages. Apply to the first stage before April 5th!

Other news

We need your help to find a location for the summer 2026 in Latvia! Latvian speakers should contact

Translator Gerritt Jackson is looking for a copy, paper or digital, of Alenka Zupančič’s “Why Psychoanalysis?” published by NSU press in 2008. He may not need the whole book but would like to check some details such as page numbers, etc. This is an important project, please contact the Board if you can help!

We need your help to contribute to our Wikipedia page! Please contact the Board if you can help.

NSU continues to rely on your support. Please donate if you can!

We are also looking for a mentor and youth leader to run our children circlethis summer, please see the poster below to apply!

2025, Nordic Summer University

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