Hospitality and Solidarity: Feminist Philosophy in Thought, History and Action (2020-2022)
About this study circle:
This circle is born out of the success and the strengths of the previous study circle Feminist Philosophy; Time, history and the Transformation of Thought (2017-2019) and is taking up a new interdisciplinary topic that is present in contemporary philosophy, politics, and theology as well as feminist theory: the topic of hospitality and solidarity. Exploring the different themes of our symposia, feminism will allow us to create unexpected connections, experimental interventions and rethink these themes anew.
Read more about the overall aims and goals of the study circle.
About the network
Hospitality and Solidarity: Feminist Philosophy in Thought, History and Action is a three-year study circle for critical interdisciplinary inquiries based in the Nordic and Baltic countries. The symposium at Åbo Akademi University is the first of a total of six conferences from 2020 to 2022. The network builds on the project Feminist philosophy: Time, history and the transformation of thought (2017-2019), which attracted more than 200 participants from five continents. The network aims to transcend the hierarchies of academia and the limits of thought. For more information about the network, visit our website and FB-group Feminist Philosophy (NSU).
Symposia organised by our study circle:
- The first winter symposium on Feminism and Hospitality: Religious and Critical Perspectives in dialogue with a Secular Age took place from March 3-5, 2020 in Turku. Finland. Read more.
- The full CFP Summer Session 2020 [PDF] Click here for the circle 3 Summer Session program 2020 which took place online.
- Winter Symposium March 2021 [online]
- October Symposium 2021: Solidarity and the Political – Feminist thinking and the needs of today Full Program 24 October 2021 [PDF], Proceedings and notes on a Miro Board
- March 2022: Writing with an()Other Part 1
- Summer Session 2022: Writing with an()Other Part 2: Hospitality in Practise