Ad Hoc Feminist Philosophy 2016
March 15-17 2016
Umeå University, Sweden
Ad hoc symposium for the prospective project Feminist philosophy. The network will submit an application to run a circle during 2017-2019. The symposium Feminist philosophy: Time & History is a collaboration between the Nordic Summer University, Umeå Center for Gender Studies, and Department of historical, philosophical,and religious studies, Umeå University.
Invited speakers
Tuija Pulkkinen, Academy professor at the Department of philosophy, history and culture, Helsinki University.
Kristina Fjelkestam, Professor in gender studies, Stockholm University.
Claudia Lindén, docent and associate professor in literature, Södertörn University.
Sara Edenheim, docent in history and associate professor in gender studies, Umeå University
Accepted papers
- Linn Alenius Wallin, MA gender studies, Lund University, ”Orden som ontologins gränsvakt”
- Arndís Bergsdóttir, Phd candidate, University of Iceland, “The fleshyness of absence”
- Camille Buttingsrud, MA philosophy, dancer, “Bodily reflection and its temporality – and what that has to do with feminism”
- Hanna Bäckström, Phd candidate, gender studies, Umeå University, ”Expecting a return: Reciprocity and altruism in feminist ethics”
- Signe Leth Gammelgaard, MA literature, editor of the literary journal Standart, “A Politics of the Feminine and Time as a force of Becoming: Time, materiality and desire in von Trier’s Nymphomaniac”
- Petra Green, Phd candidate in philosophy, Umeå University, “Feministisk filosofi, idealteori och ideologi”
- Demet Gulcicek, Phd candidate in sociology, University of Warwick, “The Concept of Historicity in a Feminist Sociological Research”
- Lisbeth Jørgensen, MA philosophy, Copenhagen, “The secret feminism”
- Johanna Lauri, Phd candidate in gender studies, Umeå University, “Contemporary capitalism, human subjects and time”
- Marcus Lundgren, Phd candidate in political science and gender studies, Umeå University, “Machines and time”
- Evelina Johansson, Phd candidate in gender studies, University of Gothenburg, TBA
- Maria Jönsson, Senior lecturer in literature, Umeå University, ”Bonader, gerillaslöjd och syjuntor som feministiskt återbruk
- Zlatana Knezevic, Phd candidate in social work, Mälardalen University, “Bridging the Gap between Feminist Philosophy and Childhood Studies: Conceptualisations of Knowledge and Children’s Epistemic Status”
- Ida Linander, MD, Phd candidate in Public Health, Umeå University, “Time as a medical disciplining of (trans)gender“
- Ingeborg Löfgren, Phd in literature, Uppsala University, “Sara Lidman och modernitetens existentiella villkor – sam-vettets filosofi i Jernbanan”
- Synne Myreböe, Phd candidate in history and education, Umeå University, “Martha Nussbaum’s uses of history”
- Valgerdur Palmadottìr, Phd candidate in the history of ideas, Umeå University, TBA
- Gitte Pedersen, Journalist, MA Philosophy, ”Community Feminism in Latin America”
- Monica Quirico, Docent in history of political thought and political philosophy, University of Turin & Södertörn University“, Mourning the Fallen: between individual memory and historical narratives”
- Anna Rådström, Senior lecturer in art history, Umeå University, “Face-to-Face encounters and the (im)possibility of the – trans: Reflections on the work of Zineb Sedira”
- Susanna Rönn, Phd candidate in English literature, University of Vaasa, “The Past in the Present of Contemporary Riot Grrrl Song Lyrics: The Case of Doom & Bloom by the TÜLIPS”
- Aija Sakova-Merivee, Phd and Head of Baltica and Rare Books Conservation Department at Academic Library of Tallinn University, ”Philosophical potential of Ene Mihkelson’s and Christa Wolf’s poetic of remembrance”
- Naomi Scheman, Professor of Philosophy and Women’s studies, University of Minnesota, “Historicizing Philosophical Problems: On the Troubled Past and Promising but Uncertain Future of the Philosophical ‘We’”
- Johanna Sjöstedt, MA history of ideas, University of Gothenburg, “Reading Beauvoir with Nietzsche through Heidegger”
- Carola Maria Wide, Phd candidate in English literature, University of Vaasa, ” Women’s Time and the Abject in Alternative Narratives of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’”
Participants without paper presentation:
Jennie Brandén, Phd candidate in political science, Umeå University
Annelie Bränström-Öhman, Professor in literature and gender studies, Umeå University
Maria Carbin, Senior lecturer in gender studies, Umeå University
Dovaine Dovydaityte, Student in political science, University of Vienna
Katji Lindberg, phd candidate, Konstfack
Elena Lindholm, Associate professor in Spanish, Umeå University
Ulla Manns, Professor in gender studies and the history of ideas, Södertörn University
Tanja Mikkonen, MA in gender, culture, and media