Exploring Affect – Study Circle 2013-2015
This study circle aims to address some of the questions that arises from the recent turn towards affect.
There exist different versions of the distinction between the concepts of affect, emotion, and feelings. The concept of affect is often used to refer to the pre-verbalized, undifferentiated bodily states, whereas emotion is generally used to describe communicated cultural qualities. Feeling, on the other hand, is often used to describe the subjective experiences of these qualities.
Another use of the concept of affect is as an umbrella term connoting the broad spectrum of forms within and between these three concepts. It is this latter understanding that is implied in the title of this circle.
Jutta Maria Vikman (FI/DK), Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen juttavikman[at]gmail.com
Johanna Sjöstedt (SE), Department of Literature, History of Ideas, Religion, Göteborg University