The Summer Session 2015
The Summer Session 2015 will be from the 18th of July until the 25th of July in Druskininkai, Lithuania. The venue of the Summer Session is Europa Royale Druskininkai hotel. For more info about the venue, see:
During your stay in Lithuania you will have possibility to experience the spirit of the country, to get to know its historical past, to have a closer look to its heritage and traditions, to visit parks and cultural spaces. Special cultural program and variety of excursions will be suggested for the participants for their consideration.
This year we invite you to call for papers from 8 study circles. Read more about them:
Please register for the Summer Session and study circle (whether you are presenting a paper or not) by June 10th. We have launched a website for registration and payment:
To participate in the summer session, first select a study circle, and contact the respective coordinator of the study circle to gain acceptance. Then you register and pay. Registration is open from April 1st to June 10th. If you decide you want to cancel before the 10th of June, it will cost you 250 SEK. The remaining amount will then be refunded. If you however cancel after the 10th of June, you will not receive any refunds at all.
As previous summer sessions, there will be a separate circle for children between 3 and 15 years. In the children circle, we offer a variety of activities for children and youth, run in parallel to the other study circles.
Important dates for the registration

About Druskininkai
In the 18th century Druskininkai was an ordinary Lithuanian village, until Stanisław August Poniatowski, the Grand Duke of Lithuania and the King of Poland, issued the decree and declared Druskininkai to be the health resort on 20 June 1794. In 1837, when Ignacy Fonberg, professor of Vilnius University, analyzed the chemical composition of mineral water and published the results, the emperor Nicholas I of Russia approved the project of Druskininkai resort. The name comes from the Lithuanian word druska which means salt. There are 12 mineral springs and their water is used for balnaeological procedures and drinking. Spa mud baths, applications and tampons are prepared from the peat extracted at Didžiasalis bog in the neighbouring district. The resort climate is another positive health factor, it is characterized by a high level of air ionization (-0.63), a gentle and warm microclimate (average low temperature in winter about -6°C, average high temperature…